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Faculty Recognition

Physics Faculty

Physics Faculty receive Department of Energy Grant to train students in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Professors Barniol, Hodges and Ray.A group of Sacramento State Physics Faculty (Michael Ray, Christopher Hodges, and Rodolfo Barniol Duran) are leading a recently funded Department of Energy grant that establishes a partnership between Sac State, CSU East Bay, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The Nuclear Physics California Connection to Train Undergraduate Students (Nuclear Physics CACTUS) grant, which totals about $800,000 for two years (slightly over half will come to Sac State), will allow for up to four Sac State physics students to work on a summer research project in partnership with staff at LLNL for each of the next two summers. The grant also provides money to train these students for their LLNL work in the months before the internship begins as well as funding to continue the work the following fall semester when the students return to Sacramento. This unique “book ending” of the project is expected to lead to more substantial projects than might be able to be accomplished during a traditional national laboratory internship. This partnership also provides LLNL post-docs the opportunity to mentor undergraduate students, give guest lectures and colloquia at Sac State, and to learn more about career opportunities at primarily undergraduate and minority serving institutions like Sacramento State.

Alexander Pettitt

NSF Award for Studying Star Formation in Model Galaxies

Dr PettittDr. Pettitt has just been awarded a two-year, $230,000 grant from the National Science Foundation as part of their Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences program. In this project, “Unveiling the Role of a Galaxy's Structure with Bespoke Numerical Models,” Dr. Pettitt will work with Sac State undergraduate students to develop and use computerized simulations of galaxies to develop a better understanding of the role that the shape and dynamics determine the star formation rate of the various models and compare to observational data. This grant will provide some opportunities for student researchers to be paid for their work and present their results at conferences. As part of the broader impact goals of this program, this grant will also augment our Physics Colloquium Series and our public Planetarium shows. More information about the project can be found here.

Congratulations to Dr. Pettitt! We look forward to seeing the impact of this work on our students and for the greater scientific community.

Eliza Morris

Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Dr MorrisThe College Selection Committee, with the concurrence of Dean Lisa Hammersley, has selected Dr. Eliza Morris to receive the NSM Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching for the academic year ’23 - 24. This award acknowledges excellence in teaching, both in and out of the classroom, and highlights the importance of teaching at Sacramento State.

The award was presented to Dr. Morris at a campus-wide ceremony on Thursday February 29, 2024.

Eliza Morris

Outstanding Faculty Award for University Service in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Dr MorrisThe College Selection Committee, with the concurrence of Dean Lisa Hammersley, has selected Dr. Eliza Morris to receive the NSM Outstanding Faculty Award for University Service for the academic year ’22 – 23. This award acknowledges service which is provided through faculty leadership and involvement as members or chairs of committees, in carrying out special assignments, and participating in the collegial governance of the University.

The award was presented to Dr. Morris at a campus-wide ceremony on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Rodolfo Barniol Duran

Outstanding Faculty Award for Community Service in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Dr Barniol DuranThe College Selection Committee with the concurrence of Dean Lisa Hammersley, has selected Dr. Rodolfo Barniol Duran to receive the NSM Outstanding Faculty Award for Community Service for the academic year ’22-23. This Award recognizes and highlights the important connection between the University’s mission and the faculty’s application of knowledge and skills in addressing community needs. The recipients are honored for their active engagement in the Sacramento region and the contributions they make to the public good.

The award was presented to Dr. Barniol Duran at a campus-wide ceremony on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Eliza Morris et al.

NSF Award for Comparative Study of Active Learning in Undergaduate Physics Classes

Prof. MorrisEliza Morris has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources program. She will be leading a team that includes Physics’ own Mikkel Jensen and Vera Margoniner, and from the College of Education, Bita Rivas.

The $300k grant will fund the implementation of three different active learning models in lower-division physics courses. The research study will focus on comparing the cost, efficacy, and impact on student success of the different models across multiple semesters. More information about the project can be found here:

Congratulations to Dr. Morris and her team, we look forward to learning about your findings!

Rodolfo Barniol Duran

University Award for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity for Early Career Faculty

Prof. Barniol

Assistant Professor Rodolfo Barniol Duran received this award for Academic Year '20-21 for his theoretical work on the physics of gamma-ray bursts and astrophysical jets.

Since he joined the Department in 2017 Professor Barniol has published over 17 research papers, mentored 10 student research projects and had two research grant proposals funded by the National Science Foundation.

Congratulations to Professor Barniol for the recognition of his outstanding research program.

Vera Margoniner

Outstanding Faculty Award for University Service Award in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Vera Margoniner

This award recognizes the important faculty role and responsibility for service within the University, service which is provided through faculty leadership and involvement as members or chairs of committees, in carrying out special assignments, and participating in the collegial governance of the University. The College’s Selection Committee, with the concurrence of Interim Dean Hammersley, has selected Dr. Vera Magoniner to receive this award for Academic Year ’20-21.

Award recipients will be honored at a virtual ceremony on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 3 – 5 p.m.

Mikkel Jensen

Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Mikkel JensenThis Award affirms the importance of teaching in the life of the faculty and recognizes and honors outstanding teachers for their teaching effectiveness and their impact on the lives of their students. The College’s Selection Committee, with the concurrence of Interim Dean Hammersley, has selected Dr. Mikkel Jensen to receive this award for Academic Year ’20-21.

Award recipients will be honored at a virtual ceremony on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 3 – 5 p.m.

Mikkel Jensen and Eliza Morris

Drs. Jensen and Morris research has been featured on PLoS Computational Biology journal website. Their paper, “Stochastic ordering of complexoform protein assembly by genetic circuits,” is dated June 2020.

Faculty Recognition Award History

Recipients of these awards are recognized for having positively affected the life of the University through their teaching, their service, or their scholarly and creative activities, displaying a consistent and engaging collegiality and storng commitment to students throughout their careers at California State University, Sacramento.

Year Name Award
2023 Dr. Rodolfo Barniol Duran NSM Outstanding Community Service Award
2023 Dr. Eliza Morris NSM Outstanding University Service Award
2021 Dr. Rodolfo Barniol Duran University Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity for Early Career Faculty Award
2021 Dr. Vera Margoniner NSM Outstanding University Service Award
2021 Dr. Mikkel Jensen NSM Outstanding Teaching Award
2016 Dr. William DeGraffenreid NSM Outstanding Community Service Award
2016 Dr. Vera Margoniner NSM Outstanding Teaching Award
2014 Dr. William DeGraffenreid NSM Outstanding Teaching Award
2014 Dr. Vera Margoniner NSM Outstanding University Service Award
2012 Dr. Tatiana Sergan NSM Outstanding Scholarly Activity Award
2012 Dr. Vassili Sergan NSM Outstanding Scholarly Activity Award
2012 Dr. Christopher Taylor NSM Outstanding University Service Award
2011 Dr. Vassili Sergan President's Award for Research and Creative Activity
2010 Dr. William DeGraffenreid NSM Outstanding University Service Award
2010 Dr. Christopher Taylor NSM Outstanding Community Service Award
2008 Dr. Peter Urone NSM Outstanding University Service Award
2005 Dr. Michael Shea Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Service
2003 Dr. Edward Gibson Outstanding Scholarly Activity Award
2003 Dr. Suhkbir Mahajan NSM Outstanding Teaching Award
2002 Dr. Randy Phelps President's Award for Research and Creative Activity
1998 Dr. Michael Shea NSM Outstanding Teaching Award
1996 Dr. Hossein Partovi California State University Outstanding Professor
1993 Dr. Hossein Partovi Outstanding Scholarly Activity Award
1993 Dr. Hossein Partovi Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award
1988 Dr. Donald Hall Outstanding Scholarly Activity Award