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Outstanding Students in Physics & Astronomy
The Physics and Astronomy department at Sac State is often, overwhelmingly proud of what our students achieve. Join us in recognizing their special accomplishments!
R. Caywood, C. Gip, and J. Vian-Reagan
Provost's Award for Research Excellence at the Student Research and Creative Activity Symposium
Three outstanding student researchers recieved awards for their presentations on their work at the Sacramento State Student Research and Creative Activity Symposium on March 4, 2024. Justin Vian-Reagan presented a talk on his work with Dr. Michael Ray on “Measuring the Linear Thermal Contraction of Polylactic Acid.” Ryan Caywood presented a talk titled “From Black Hole to Afterglow,” based on his work with Dr. Rodolfo Barniol Duran, and Carly Gip, also working with Dr. Barniol, spoke about her research on “Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Analyze the Striped Jet Model.” All three recieved first or second place in their session, and were awarded with the Provost's Award for Research Excellence.
Congratulations to all three on their excellent work.
Ryan Caywood and Carly Gip with Dr Barniol and their awards.
Student Research and Creative Activity Symposium
Three physics students present talks at the Sacramento State Student Research and Creative Activity Symposium
Three outstanding student researchers presented talks on their work at the Sacramento State Student Research and Creative Activity Symposium on March 4, 2024. Justin Vian-Reagan presented a talk on his work with Dr. Michael Ray on “Measuring the Linear Thermal Contraction of Polylactic Acid.” Ryan Caywood presented a talk titled “From Black Hole to Afterglow,” based on his work with Dr. Rodolfo Barniol Duran, and Carly Gip, also working with Dr. Barniol, spoke about her research on “Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Analyze the Striped Jet Model.”
Congratulations to all three on their excellent work.
End of Year Scholarship Awards
Physics Awards Night Recogizes Student Excellence
At the end of the spring semester the Department of Physics and Astronomy awards a wide variety of scholarships to students in recognition of their outstanding achievements in scholarly activity here at Sac State (see here for info). Awards handed out this year include the Feynman Award to Jack Paulson, the Ilof Scholarship to Toe Oo Wai Yan, the Suzy Fenton Scholarship to Leonardo Nolasco and Toe Oo Wai Yan, the Klavetter Scholarship to Ernesto Ramirez Jr. and Haley Steuber, the Bania Scholarship to Matthew Bradley, the Vanderberg Scholarship to Matthew Bradley, William Henrie, Desmond Wallace, Xuan Gip, Theresa Nguyen, William Henrie, Nikolas Agadjanian and Long Huynh, and the coverted Outstanding Senior Award to Anna Gagnebin.
Many congratulations to the recipients!

Hannah Redhead
Provost's Award for Research Excellence 2023
Hannah Redhead is the recipient of Provost's Award for Research Excellence at California State University, Sacramento for participation in the 2023 Student Research & Creative Activity Spring Symposium. The award recognizes students for outstanding presentations on their research of an original scholarly work. Congratulations to Hannah for winning first place in the category of Physical Science and Mathematics! Her talk was titled "Modelling the Afterglow and Prompt Emission of Neutron Star Mergers", which is based on her research done in collaboration with Dr. Rodolfo Barniol Duran.

Anna Gagnebin
Student Scholarships Awards 2020–2021
The Faculty Senate is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020-2021 Faculty Endowment for Student Scholarships Awards. Award recipients are recognized for their academic achievement and promise of continued academic success, service and contributions to the student’s major department, college, the university and/or the community at-large, and articulation of future educational/career goals.
Physics Major Anna Gagnebin will be honored in a virtual ceremony February 18, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
Brandon Thomas and Herminio Carrillo
Student Research & Creative Activity Symposium
Congratulations to Physics majors, Brandon Thomas and Herminio Carrillo, who tied for 2nd place at the Sacramento State Student Research & Creative Activity Symposium 2020!